Getting Sick After Overnight Stay
28 May 2020 Tim went to his cousin's home last Saturday. The boys had a whale of time of playing video games so they burnt the midnight oil. Next day, bad luck approached silently. Tim had a sore throat and a fever . He was sweating rapidly and lying in his bed all day. It was the rehearsal for the drama on Monday, so he bit the bullet and went to the school. At the rehearsal, Tim was wearing a mask and had a hoarse voice. Also he had a few cough during the rehearsal. The teacher was dissatisfied with Tim so he asked Tim to go to the corridor beside of the hall. Tim was nervous about what's going to happen. The teacher said in a voice like a furious lion "You have ruined the rehearsal!" Tim told him about what happened at Sunday. Tim was feeling so upset that tears started flooding his eyes as he hung his head low and walked away from the teacher. The teacher shouted at his back "Take a good rest at home. I will find a back-up for you." He nodded in ...