
顯示從 8月, 2020 起發佈的文章

An Unlucky Day

 31 July 2020 One morning, I got up with an ill omen. How right it was! When I was on my way to the McDonald's for breakfast , I accidentally slipped the phone.  "Thud!" My hands were trembling ,as I picked up the phone. The screen cracked as a web. My heart sank as I could imagine my parents would erupt like a volcano when they saw the broken phone. At home when I was about to watch my favorite cartoon, the TV was out of order. I was very furious, so I clenched my fist and hit the sofa. I was so bored, so I decided to go to the library to borrow some fictions. It never rains but it pours. I found that my library card had disappeared. My eyesbrows shot towards the ceiling as my jaws dropped to the floor. I searched my wallet over and over till I was sure that I forgot to bring the library card. I knew that it was better for me to go home . I was at a loose end at home, so I went into the bathroom to take a shower. After a refreshment, I walked out from the bathtub. The wa

A strange dream

12 July 2020 Last night, I had a strange dream. In the dream, my parents told me they will bring me to the beach, so I was as happy as a clam.  It was a cloudless day, even with the sun blazing down on us, there was a slight breeze. The sand was soft like cotton. The sea wind crept into my nose, it smelt like salt . The sea water was so clear that could let the light go through it easily. We made some gigantic castle by sand and played the beach ball with my dog Betty. My parents were enjoying their sunbathing on the beach chair. We were going to swim when the black cloud gathered above us. At this time, my father spotted something above the sea coming to us. Soon, it came to the coastline. It was a "micro tsunami" or a gigantic wave. We scuttled off, but we failed. The wave came closer and closer as if it was enjoying our horror. Out of the blue, there was someone jerk me about roughly . I yawned and looked up. It was my mother who was jerking me. Then, I looked at the clock

A field trip with our class

26 June 2020 Last Sunday was a cloudless day, even with the sun blazing down on us there was a slight breeze. Our class wen to the Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden by a tourist bus. On the bus , I could not sit still as my excitement dashed  though my veins. The journey seemed to take ages. Ultimately, we arrived. When we get off the bus, the guide was already waiting for us. He introduced himself first. His name is Jerme. Then, he lead us to the Botanic Garden. We walked around and he introduced the different types of trees to us. Next, we went to the farm. There were ducks swimming in the ponds and a turtle perched  on a rock. The turtle seemed to enjoy the sunbathing . The opposite of the pond was the stinky pig shed and their poo was smelly and disgusting. "urghhhh" ! The most naughty boy called Astro in our class had a itchy feet. He found a beehive nearby. A wicked smile spread across his face as he pick up a tree stick and hit the beehive with all his might. Our legs t

Helping People Brings Happiness!

14 June 2020 Albert likes to help others. One day, he met a little girl in the Mall. She was very sad so her eyes welled up with tears. He went up and asked in a soft tone, "what happened?" She blubbered "I am lost." Then she told him how did her mum look like.  They looked up for the girl's mum everywhere but there was still no sign of her mum. She was feeling so upset that tears started flooding in her eyes as she hung her head low. He comforted her and said "Don't be afraid, I will be with you until you find your mother." They couldn't find her mum so he decided to go to the Information Centre with the little girl. At the centre, they told the customer service officer that the little girl was lost. When  the customer service officer heard the news, she was cool as a cucumber. Like a bat out of hell, a voice boomed out the public announcement system, she said "Ann Lam's mother please come to Information Centre.” A few minutes later,