
顯示從 6月, 2020 起發佈的文章


2 June 2020 Sunny                                                                                                                              30May2020                          Today, I went to the toy shop with my parents for chosing my birthday gift. Because of the delicate toys display in the toy shop showcase attracted me, we walked inside and looked around. "Bang! Bang!" interrupted me. It was not the sound of toys falling down, but the salesperson playing the game console. I spotted the cute teddy bear that showed in the showcase. My eyes sparkled with light as I asked my parents in a soft tone "May ...

Playing a trick at school

30 May 2020 Tommy and Peter wanted to play a trick on Kimmy. Peter had a mischievous idea. A wicked smile spread across his face. They went into the male washroom and filled in the balloons with water. Peter thought that's not enough, so he said  "Let's prepare two ultimate balloons." They waved to Kimmy who was playing ball games and shouted "Hello, Kimmy!" when she looked upwards, two water balloons attacked her fiercely. Unfortunately the balloons were too close for Kimmy to escape from. So in a few seconds, she was soaked to the skin but the attack didn't end. Then, two ultimate balloons zoomed towards her. "Splash!" the balloons exploded on her, inside of them were pee! They burst with laughter when Kimmy was bathed with pee! Kimmy was furious. She said "Why me!" The girl who was playing with Kimmy was the eye witness so she dashed upstairs and told the teacher what happened to Kimmy. When the teacher dashed to the playgrou...